Plastic surgery has become increasingly common in today’s world. While some people opt for minor procedures to enhance their appearance, others take it to the extreme. One such individual is 36-year-old Anastasia Pokreschchuk from Kyiv, Ukraine, who has spent a staggering $2000 on various surgeries.

Anastasia underwent procedures such as artificial fillers to define her jawline and cheeks, Botox injections, a Brazilian butt lift, and a breast enlargement. The transformations she experienced are truly remarkable. With a following of 628,000 on Instagram, many of her fans had never seen her pre-surgery photos until she made a unique decision.

To everyone’s surprise, Anastasia shared a picture of herself before her cosmetic surgery journey began at just 26 years of age. In this photo, she had not yet undergone any hyaluronic acid injections. The difference between her past and present appearance is striking, prompting many people to comment on her natural beauty.

Despite the positive feedback, there were some who criticized Anastasia for her choice to undergo such extensive procedures. However, she stood her ground and expressed her own perspective. In response to those who questioned her attractiveness after surgery, she confidently stated:

“I don’t understand this kind of thinking at all. I don’t care what others say because this is my face and I have to like it, not you. This is my face and my life. You will not live my life for me, okay?”

Anastasia is vocal about her happiness with her new look, openly sharing her opinions. Looking back at her old pictures, she describes herself as feeling ugly and hamster-like. The ability to change her appearance has brought her newfound confidence and self-acceptance.

Surrounded by a supportive circle of friends and family, Anastasia feels fortunate to have people who understand and appreciate her choices. Her mother, in particular, has been a pillar of support, calling her “exotic” and positively embracing her daughter’s transformation.

In the end, Anastasia’s story teaches us that everyone has the right to live their life as they see fit. It is essential to prioritize our own happiness and not solely base our self-worth on others’ opinions.