We’ve all heard about people suing one another for various reasons and sometimes even winning the most bizarre court cases. But recently, a TikTok sensation has taken it to the next level by threatening to sue her own parents for giving birth to her without her permission.

Kass Theaz, a popular figure on TikTok, went on a rant to criticize her parents for selfishly bringing her into this world without consulting her first. She believes that parents should use psychic mediums to communicate with their unborn children and ask them if they actually want to be born.

In a video where she appeared emotionless, Kass stated, “I did not consent to being here,” and expressed her disappointment that her parents didn’t make any effort to contact her when she was still in the womb. This led her to take legal action against them. What’s more shocking is that she has now made it her life’s mission to inspire children to sue their own parents so that they don’t have to work.

While this TikTok star’s claims may seem outrageous, it raises an interesting question about consent and the rights of unborn children. It’s a thought-provoking perspective that challenges traditional ideas about parenthood.