Working in the restaurant industry, especially as a waiter or waitress, can be a rewarding yet challenging career choice. It’s important to understand the difficulties that come with this position, such as dealing with tough and impatient customers who may treat you disrespectfully.

Additionally, the physical demands of being on your feet all day can take a toll on your body. However, one of the biggest challenges faced by restaurant staff is the low pay.

The Issue of Low Pay

In the United States, restaurant owners are allowed to pay their workers less than the federal minimum wage because these employees are expected to receive tips. In fact, in 21 states, servers are paid a meager $2.13 per hour before tips. This low wage often leads to financial struggles for many waiters and waitresses. According to a report in The Wall Street Journal, nearly 15% of the nation’s 2.4 million waiters and waitresses live in poverty, compared to about 7% of all workers. They are more likely to rely on public assistance and less likely to have access to paid sick leave or health benefits.

Dealing with Rude Customers

While it is expected for customers to tip their servers, unfortunately, there are instances where customers choose to under-tip or not tip at all. One such incident gained attention when a waitress named Taylar Cordova shared her experience online. She received no tip on a bill totaling $187.43, which would have entitled her to a standard tip of $28.11. Cordova’s post has been shared more than 12,000 times, highlighting the disrespectful way that restaurant workers are sometimes treated.

Cordova’s post read, “This is the reason I work so much. This is why I cry in the shower. I struggle to put clothes on my daughter’s back and food in our bellies because of THIS. Every decision has a consequence. Please, please tip your servers.”

The Need for Change

The good news is that change is on the horizon for servers. Several states, including New York, have already increased or eliminated the lower tipped minimum wage, and seven more states are in the process of doing the same. This change is necessary because, according to the National Restaurant Association, the restaurant industry is projected to employ 12.9 million people by the end of this year, accounting for 10% of the entire U.S. workforce.

Share the Awareness

It is important to raise awareness about the challenges faced by waiters and waitresses in the restaurant industry. Please share this article with your family and friends to shed light on the hard work, low pay, and difficult situations that these dedicated individuals encounter every day.