A heartwrenching incident occurred in 2023 when two-year-old Ella Cain suffered severe “burns” after coming into contact with a plant that her mother, Audrey Cain, was unaware of its threat. As a result, Ella had to stay away from sunlight for the entire summer season.

It all started innocently enough when Ella was playing in her garden and was captivated by a plant adorned with beautiful yellow flowers. Curiosity got the better of her, and she leaned in to smell the plant, unknowingly brushing against its stems.

The following morning, Audrey was horrified to discover small blisters covering Ella’s skin. She immediately applied chamomile lotion, thinking that Ella had encountered poison ivy. Unfortunately, the blisters only worsened, transforming into aggressive burns that affected her arms, legs, cheeks, and nose.

The toddler has now completely recovered. (Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media)

Heartbroken, Audrey sought answers and discovered that the plant invading their 113-acre property was actually a wild parsnip plant. Shockingly, the sap from this species can cause severe burns when exposed to sunlight, much like giant hogweed.

The burns persisted for two weeks before finally healing, during which time Ella experienced significant discomfort. Doctors advised Audrey that Ella would need to be cautious and limit her sun exposure for the remainder of the summer. They recommended staying covered and keeping her play area shaded.

Seeking relief for Ella’s scorched skin, Audrey turned to hydrocortisone as suggested by the doctors. The road to recovery was arduous, but Audrey’s use of vitamin E oil during the healing process prevented any scarring.

Thankfully, Ella has fully recovered from the incident. Filled with determination, Audrey hopes to prevent similar occurrences in other children and urges parents to check their own gardens for this toxic plant. She concluded, “I’m sharing what happened just so people are aware of it and know to stay away from it.”