For the last five years, Marley Enjakovic, eight, has been dealing with a persistent cough. This young boy from Adelaide, Australia, has faced breathing difficulties and coughing fits for most of his life. Despite being diagnosed with conditions like asthma and allergies, the true cause of his symptoms was only recently discovered – a tiny plastic toy lodged in his throat.

The incident occurred when Marley was just a three-year-old toddler. Unbeknownst to anyone, he had swallowed a small plastic flower. It wasn’t until he experienced a particularly bad cough in December that his parents rushed him to the hospital. There, it was determined that along with his cough, he also had an obstruction in his throat.

Marley was admitted to the intensive care unit at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital, where surgeons finally identified the cause of his cough – the plastic flower. From his hospital bed, Marley spoke briefly about his experience, describing the sensation as “nothing.” His mother, Skye, shared that Marley would have coughing fits while eating, which would last for hours on end, leading to a growing concern for her son’s well-being.

The blocked throat was not only affecting Marley’s health but also interfering with his ability to participate in activities like weekend basketball and soccer games. Something as simple as catching his breath became a struggle for him. Skye, however, began to doubt the initial diagnosis of asthma since Marley experienced coughing after consuming food, which is not typical of asthma.

Upon discovering that a toy was lodged in her son’s throat, Skye experienced a mix of shock and relief. She was relieved to find out that it was a foreign object causing the blockage rather than a congenital condition. She expressed gratitude for finally having an answer after all these years and encouraged other parents to trust their instincts and advocate for their children’s health.

“I was absolutely shocked. But also really relieved, to be honest, because out of all these years, I finally had an answer,” she said. “My main concern at that point in time was that he was actually born with that condition. Because if he had been born with it, he would have had other issues. To know it was caused by a foreign body, it was a slight bit of relief for me. My message to other parents is that if you feel like there is something wrong, just keep pushing for it. I am so glad I did because it means I have him today.”

Having gone through this ordeal for five years, Marley’s story serves as a reminder to always trust your instincts and seek the answers you need to ensure the well-being of your loved ones.