Imagine you’re a parent, going through the ups and downs of modern life. The challenges can sometimes be overwhelming, leaving you feeling like you have nothing left in the tank. It’s during these moments that a little support or kind word from someone can make all the difference.

That’s why parenting influencer and psychotherapist, Anna Mathur, has come up with a brilliant idea to help parents in need. She’s launched a social media campaign to raise awareness about a simple signal for parents: tying a colorful ribbon to their bags or purse.

With nearly two hundred thousand followers on Instagram, Mathur knows what she’s talking about when it comes to parenting and leading a good life as a mother. She believes that women should feel comfortable reaching out for support when they need it, and this ribbon can serve as a sign for others to offer a helping hand or words of encouragement.

Mathur’s inspiration came from a moment when she was out with her kids, feeling overwhelmed and wishing for someone to lend a hand. She realized that there must have been other parents in similar situations, who also wished they could help but didn’t know how or if they should.

As a mother herself, Mathur understands the feeling of being hesitant to ask for support, fearing it might make her seem like a failure. She remembers the vulnerability she felt when dropping off her child at nursery for the first time, seeking understanding but unsure how to reach out to someone in a crowded cafe.

That’s why she encourages mothers to tie a colorful ribbon to their bags. This ribbon serves as a clear message, saying, “I am open to you offering me some kind words or support. I’m here if you need some kind words or support too.” It’s a statement to yourself, a reminder that it’s okay to step out and let others step toward you.

If you’re interested in this idea, you can go the extra mile and check out the “Yo” buggy tags created by @AMotherPlace and @StacieSwift. These tags, available on the @AMotherPlace website, let others know that you’re open to having a chat or helping a fellow parent.

Now that you’ve heard about this parenting expert’s ribbon idea, what do you think? Could this simple gesture make a big difference in the lives of parents?