Overconfidence can lead to some hilarious situations, especially when people are proven wrong. Let’s take a look at 17 instances where people’s overconfidence got the best of them!

1. Just Face Your Ignorance

One person believed that using facial recognition would give the government access to their personal details. But another user quickly pointed out their ignorance by explaining how driving licenses actually work.

2. Zeus, The Hyper-Potent

An overly confident individual once claimed that Zeus, the Greek god, had only one son. But a student of classical studies set them straight by pointing out Zeus’ numerous offspring.

3. Frankenstein

On a social media platform, a user argued about Frankenstein participating in a bodybuilding competition. Little did they know that the original poster was referring to the scientist, not his creation.

4. History Lesson

In a Facebook debate, someone claimed that Martin Luther King Jr. wouldn’t agree with a particular quote, completely unaware that the quote had been uttered by MLK himself.

During the peak of the pandemic, misinformation was rampant. A Twitter user tried to discuss government conspiracies, but another user shut them down with factual information.

6. Divine Message

On Tumblr, a heated argument ensued about God’s intentions. One user finally settled it by quoting a passage straight from the Bible, effectively closing the debate.

7. History Class Skipped

Travis Akers had enough of Fox News spreading misinformation. He took to Twitter to highlight the inaccuracies, easily disproving them with a simple Google search.

8. Forgotten Toys

A nostalgic Reddit post about color-changing gel pens provoked an unexpected rant from someone who had no clue such pens existed. They definitely missed out on some childhood fun!

9. Age Gap

A Facebook user attempted to shame the education system while solving a basic arithmetic problem, only to make a mistake themselves. It’s always best to double-check before criticizing.

10. Shapes and Colors

A Twitter user asked their followers to name a fruit named after a color. One person replied with “star fruit.” However, they failed to realize that a star is a shape, not a color.

11. Time-Distancing

A Facebook user believed that dinosaurs and cavemen coexisted during the same period because they misunderstood the Bible’s teachings. In reality, they lived millions of years apart.

12. Gendered Animals

A Twitter user suggested that cows only have female names due to misogyny, completely ignoring the fact that only female mammals can produce milk. It’s biology, not sexism!

13. Horrific Audacity

Someone had the audacity to start an argument with renowned author Stephen King, claiming he made a spelling error. Little did they know, King’s spelling was spot-on.

14. False Opinions

Spelling errors can ruin any attempt at banter. Unfortunately, this person, in a misguided attempt at spreading misogyny, couldn’t even spell “you are” correctly. Nice try, but no.

15. Convenient Ageing

According to a perplexing calculation by a Twitter user, a child born in 2010 would magically be 18 years old in 2018. Maybe they should stick to basic math instead of trying equations.

16. Bitter Medicine

Some people were shocked when a COVID vaccine was developed because they thought there was no vaccine for the common flu. Needless to say, they were misinformed.

17. The Man Behind Tesla

In a Twitter thread filled with misinformation, several people got their facts wrong. Should we start with the fact that Tesla was not built by Nikola Tesla? Or how Nikola Tesla lived in the 1900s, not the 1700s?

Overconfidence can lead to embarrassing moments, but it does provide plenty of amusement for everyone else!