The old lady was rushing down the highway when she saw a police officer with a speed gun. The officer gestured for her to pull over and approached her with a smile. He asked, “What’s the rush?”

An old lady is speeding down a highway, when she spots a police officer with a speed gun.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, the old lady replied, “I’m late for work.”

The officer couldn’t help but be curious. He asked, “What do you do for a living?”

With a mischievous grin, the old lady replied, “I’m a rectal distender.” The officer was taken aback and asked, “A what? What exactly does that involve?”

The old lady explained, “Well, you see, I start with one finger, then another, and so on, until the entire hand is in. I work from side to side until I can fit both hands in, and then I slowly but steadily enlarge the rectum until it’s approximately 6 feet wide.”

Amused and still confused, the officer asked, “And what on earth do you do with a 6 feet asshole?”

The old lady jokingly replied, “Give him a speed gun and put him by the side of the road.”

The clever response of the old lady left the officer chuckling, and he decided to let her off with a warning. It just goes to show that sometimes a good sense of humor can lighten up even the most serious situations. Remember, when life throws you a curveball, it’s always great to have a witty comeback up your sleeve!

A police officer and a speeding driver sharing a laugh.