After our dream wedding, my mother-in-law, Elaine, turned into a completely different person. She went from being sweet and supportive to a demanding tyrant. She would criticize my cooking, expect me to iron her clothes, and even call me at work to bring her lunch. I couldn’t take it anymore.

One day, I confronted my husband John about Elaine’s behavior, hoping he would understand. But he dismissed it as a joke and didn’t take it seriously. I needed to show him the truth, so I decided to set up a hidden camera to capture Elaine’s true nature.

The perfect opportunity came during our first Christmas dinner as a married couple. I strategically placed the hidden camera in the living room, where Elaine usually sat. As the evening progressed, and the wine flowed, Elaine’s facade started to crumble. She made rude comments about my cooking and criticized everything I did.

Later, in the kitchen, Elaine confronted me about not ironing her blouse properly and forgetting to bring her lunch. Little did she know that every word she spoke was being recorded by the hidden camera. I held my tongue, knowing that I had the evidence to expose her true self.

The next morning, I watched the footage, cringing at Elaine’s behavior. I saved the file, waiting for the right moment to reveal it. That moment came sooner than expected, on New Year’s Eve, during another family gathering. I gathered everyone in the living room and announced that I had something to show them.

I played the video, and the room fell silent as Elaine’s harsh words filled the air. The family watched, stunned, as her true colors were revealed. John was shocked and angry. He turned to his mother, demanding an explanation. Elaine tried to brush it off as a joke, but I spoke up, making it clear that her behavior was no joke.

With the truth exposed, the family left, and John and I had a long talk that night. He promised to set boundaries with his mother and support me more actively. While Elaine’s behavior improved slightly, the damage was done. The family now saw her in a new light, and she knew she couldn’t treat me like a servant anymore.

The hidden camera may not have been the most conventional way to handle the situation, but it proved to be effective. Finally, I felt heard, and John and I could rebuild our life together without Elaine’s toxic interference.