KJP, a prominent figure in the field of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), has unfortunately become a target of mockery on social media. One such incident occurred when a reporter openly ridiculed Joe Biden, right in front of her. It raises the question of how many other reporters are suppressing their laughter to maintain a facade of professionalism.

Reporter mocks Biden to KJPs face

A Lack of Respect

The incident highlights a lack of respect towards both KJP and the seriousness of the DEI issues she works tirelessly to address. By openly mocking Joe Biden to her face, the reporter not only dismisses the importance of their conversation but also undermines the credibility of those advocating for change.

The Impact of Mockery

Mockery, particularly when directed at esteemed individuals like KJP, can have far-reaching implications. Firstly, it discourages open and constructive dialogue, hindering progress towards a more inclusive society. Secondly, it perpetuates a culture of disrespect and devalues the voices of those fighting for social justice.

Promoting Dignified Discourse

It is crucial for reporters and society as a whole to understand the significance of DEI efforts and treat them with the respect they deserve. Upholding the principles of dignity and inclusivity will foster an environment conducive to meaningful conversations and effective change.


The incident where Joe Biden was mocked to KJP’s face is not only disrespectful but also undermines the importance of DEI initiatives. It serves as a reminder that as a society, we must embrace respectful and open dialogue to create a more inclusive future for all. Let us strive to treat each other with dignity and elevate the conversation surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion.