A heartbreaking and disturbing case has come to a shocking end, as a father who was convicted of killing his 2-day-old daughter has been found dead in his prison cell. Liam Deane, who was serving a life sentence for the murder, allegedly died at the hands of another inmate named John Westland. This tragic event has reignited discussions about the severity of the crime and the consequences faced by the perpetrator.

Liam Deane’s horrific crime sent shockwaves through the community. He admitted to punching and shaking his newborn daughter, Luna, because she would not stop crying. As a result, Luna suffered fatal brain injuries and tragically passed away three days later. Deane’s actions were described as “wholly and utterly out of character” by his lawyer at the time.

During the trial, Luna’s mother provided a statement that captured the devastating impact of this crime. She described the heart-wrenching experience of seeing her baby girl on life support in the hospital, an image that will forever haunt her. The pain and grief experienced by Luna’s mother is unimaginable, and no words can truly express her suffering.

In the wake of Liam Deane’s death, there have been mixed reactions from the public. Many believe that justice was served, considering the nature of the crime. Some readers expressed satisfaction that Deane faced retribution for his actions, while others questioned the adequacy of his initial sentence. One reader even mentioned the concept of karma, emphasizing the gravity of his crime.

It is important to note that this tragic case highlights the need for a stronger focus on preventing such acts of violence against defenseless children. While the circumstances of Liam Deane’s death remain under investigation, this incident sheds light on the deep-seated disgust felt by inmates toward individuals who harm innocent lives. The tragedy of Luna’s death and the pain experienced by her loved ones serve as a reminder of the importance of protecting and cherishing the most vulnerable members of society.

Photo Credit: Mirror