Imagine being married to someone who uses food banks despite having a household income of £160,000 ($200,000) per year. This is the situation one woman found herself in, and she took to Reddit to share her frustration.

According to the woman, her husband has been secretly stocking their kitchen cupboards with products he obtained from food banks. These groceries were intended for those who struggle to afford essentials. What’s even more frustrating is that they already have more than enough food at home, which they buy from the supermarket. As a result, some of the items from the food banks end up being wasted.

While the woman understands the importance of food donations in their community, her husband insists on using the food banks to “save money.” He even goes to great lengths to blend in, intentionally looking disheveled and using their beat-up car. Despite never experiencing food scarcity, he remains indifferent to the situation and refuses to volunteer or donate.

The situation escalated when the woman discovered that her husband had filled the fridge with “fresh produce and meat” that clearly didn’t come from their usual store. Confronting him, she showed

him comments from people on social media who were disappointed that there was no fresh food left at the food bank. However, he brushed off their concerns, believing that those people should have arrived earlier.

Feeling exhausted and frustrated, the woman decided to pack her bags and stay at her brother’s for the weekend. In response, her husband accused her of overreacting and threatened to continue using the food banks regardless of her feelings.

The woman seeks advice from other Reddit users, questioning if she is wrong for wanting space from her husband in this situation. The response is overwhelming, with users expressing their support for her need for space.

One user even suggests going to the food bank, speaking to the person in charge, and explaining that her husband is not in need of their assistance. They go as far as proposing making a charitable donation to cover the food he has taken, in the hope that the food bank can refuse him and prevent him from taking resources away from those who truly need them.

In an ideal world, generosity and gratitude should prevail over greed. While it’s important to save money, it’s equally crucial to consider the well-being of others.