When visiting England, many tourists are eager to get close to the famous King’s guard. These military personnel, stationed at iconic locations like Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle, often captivate the attention of visitors. However, what happens when a harmless encounter turns into a distressing ordeal?

Recently, an American tourist near Buckingham Palace had a frightening experience with one of the King’s guard horses. As she approached, the horse unexpectedly bit her, causing her to cry out for help. In a video capturing the incident, her distress is evident as she pleads, “Ow! Ow! Help me, he’s got my arm.”

Unfortunately, the guard on horseback did not dismount to assist, and none of the nearby guards intervened. It wasn’t until other tourists stepped in and gently patted the horse’s nose that it let go. While it’s crucial for the guards to remain dedicated to their duties, it’s equally important for them to be aware of their surroundings and lend a helping hand when someone is in danger.

This incident sheds light on a recurring issue involving tourists and the King’s guard horses. It’s not the first time that such an encounter has put a visitor at risk. These horses are powerful animals, and even unintentional contact can result in harm. It is crucial for both tourists and the guards to be cautious and considerate to ensure everyone’s safety.

So, if you’re planning a trip to England and hope to catch a glimpse of the King’s guard, remember to admire them from a respectful distance. While they may seem unapproachable, it is for both your safety and theirs.