As we age, death becomes an inevitable reality that we all have to face. And what some people say on their deathbeds may shock and frighten you. Hospice nurse Julie McFadden has dedicated herself to demystifying the dying process and wants to reassure everyone that there is nothing to be afraid of.

According to McFadden, one of the common experiences that patients have before they pass away is seeing people who have already died. Around a month before their death, they start perceiving the presence of deceased loved ones. These apparitions bring them comfort during their final days. However, it’s important to note that these comforting figures are usually only relatives with whom they had a good relationship.

It’s a natural phenomenon that should not be dismissed as mere hallucination. Most patients who experience these visions are completely lucid and aware. They are not actively dying or hallucinating. It offers solace to know that our loved ones are waiting to guide us into the next phase.

Recently, doctors and nurses have shared chilling stories of the eerie last words they’ve heard from patients. One surgeon recounted a man’s cryptic repetition: “The body is in the woods next to the oak tree.” Despite notifications and searches by the police, nothing was ever found.

In another instance, an old lady whispered to her husband, who was dying from kidney problems, “You are going to beat this. You got away with murder. This is nothing.” These admissions of potential guilt might be more common than we think.

A third story involved a grandfather on his deathbed who uttered, “They have no eyes.” These haunting words still send shivers down the spine.

Even more unsettling, a mother watched over her great-grandfather in the hospital as he lay unresponsive. Suddenly, he exclaimed, “It’s about damn time you got here! I’ve been waiting!” And just like that, he passed away.

These accounts may send a chill down your spine. It’s natural to feel unsettled after hearing such stories. But it’s important to remember that these moments are a part of the dying process and not something to fear.

Death is a mysterious journey that we will all embark on eventually. While it may seem frightening, stories like these can also provide comfort. They remind us that even in our last moments, we are not alone. Our loved ones are waiting to guide us into the great unknown.

So, let go of your fears, and embrace the idea that death is simply a transition from one phase of existence to another.