Warning: this article contains distressing footage.

A heart-wrenching incident took place in Indonesia when a man searching for his missing wife came face-to-face with a massive python. The man’s wife, Siriati, left home to visit her brother and buy medicine from the local market. Little did she know what awaited her in the jungle.

Her husband, Adiansa, grew concerned when Siriati hadn’t arrived at her brother’s place. Worried, he decided to take the same route along the jungle trail. To his horror, he stumbled upon Siriati’s abandoned slippers. Nearby, he discovered a python with a bloated belly lurking in the undergrowth.

Horrified by the sight, Adiansa quickly gathered the local villagers to take action. They banded together, slayed the snake with a wooden stake, and then cautiously opened its stomach. To their devastation, they found Siriati’s lifeless body inside.

The body of Siriati was tragically found inside the snake. (Viral Press)

The village carried Siriati’s body back home, where she was laid to rest the following morning. An investigation led by the Siteba Village secretary, Iyang, revealed that the attack occurred around 7:30 am. Siriati, a mother of five, had ventured into the forest to buy medicine for her youngest son, who is three years old.

The young mom was laid to rest after the tragic incident. (Viral Press)

Her brother had been waiting for her but grew concerned when she never arrived. He promptly informed Siriati’s husband, who embarked on a search. Finding her slippers along the road in the middle of the forest, he suspected that she had fallen victim to a snake.

“The snake dragged the victim around five meters from the original location,” Iyang shared.

The Walenrang Police Chief, Adjunct Police Commissioner Idul, confirmed that Siriati’s body was found intact, although her bones may have been crushed. Her body currently rests at the funeral home, awaiting a religious ceremony.

It is believed that Siriati was bitten on the leg by the python, which constricted around her, ultimately paralyzing her.

This unfortunate incident serves as a tragic reminder of the wildlife dangers that can exist even in ordinary surroundings. Let us keep Siriati and her family in our thoughts as they mourn this devastating loss.