Pauley Perrette, beloved actress known for her role as forensic specialist Abby Sciuto on the hit show “NCIS,” has had her fair share of challenges in recent years. In 2021, she revealed that she had suffered a massive stroke, and in 2022, she marked the first anniversary of this life-altering event.

During that difficult period, Perrette not only faced health struggles but also experienced the loss of beloved family and friends. Despite these hardships, she proudly referred to herself as a survivor, expressing gratitude and faith for her journey. The actress also acknowledged that she had faced multiple near-death experiences, including severe allergies and even a physical assault. Through it all, Perrette found solace in her rescue dogs and expressed her joy at simply being alive.

Since leaving her iconic role on “NCIS,” Perrette has undergone a transformation in her appearance. Her new look, including her rainbow-colored hair, initially received negative responses from some fans. However, as they learned about her incredible resilience and personal battles, many of them had a change of heart.

Perrette took to social media to share her new look and received both praise and criticism from followers. Some trolls made unkind comments about her hair, calling it “ugly” and even comparing her to people who shop at Walmart. However, as news of her stroke and other struggles emerged, many fans showed their support and admiration. They encouraged Perrette to stay true to herself and expressed love for her beauty, resilience, and ability to bring smiles to people’s faces.

The actress’s departure from “NCIS” in 2018 was reportedly influenced by issues with her co-star, Mark Harmon. The pair allegedly had behind-the-scenes conflicts, which came to a head when Harmon’s dog bit a crew member on set. These tensions were evident in the fact that they never appeared together on screen during Perrette’s final episode.

Despite the challenges she faced, Perrette made the difficult decision to leave “NCIS” and seek out a safe and happier work environment. She expressed fear and nightmares about potential harm from Harmon, but she also found a new show where she could thrive and be content.

Throughout her journey, Pauley Perrette has shown incredible strength and resilience, overcoming obstacles and embracing change. Her story serves as an inspiration to us all, reminding us that we have the power to overcome life’s challenges and find joy in the face of adversity.

What Did Pauley Look Like after Leaving “NCIS,” and How Did Her Fans Respond?

After leaving her role on “NCIS,” Perrette unveiled a new and fresh look to the world. In November 2021, she shared photos on Twitter, showcasing her ruffled and wet hair, which she humorously described as looking like a “rainbow” after dyeing it. Unfortunately, some of her fans responded with negative comments about her appearance.

One person called her hair “ugly” and criticized her for looking “cheap,” suggesting that her new look was more suited for people who frequent Walmart. Another commenter described her hair as “ratty,” while others simply said it looked “horrible” and “awful.”

However, as Perrette’s personal struggles and resilience became public knowledge, many fans had a change of heart. In July 2023, she shared a series of Instagram images, the first of which featured her proudly sporting her rainbow-colored hair. Encouraging comments poured in, with fans praising her for being herself, declaring their love for her beauty, and expressing gratitude for the smiles she brings to their faces.

With her incredible strength and perseverance, Pauley Perrette continues to inspire and captivate audiences. Her journey reminds us that no matter our age or the challenges we face, we can overcome adversity and find joy in embracing change.