It was just another ordinary day for Owen Burns, a 13-year-old boy, until he heard his sister screaming from their yard. At first, he dismissed it as her usual antics, but when he looked out his window, he was met with a terrifying sight – a stranger trying to drag his 8-year-old sister towards the nearby woods.

Without hesitating, Owen sprang into action. He grabbed his trusty slingshot and quickly found some ammunition – a marble and a rock. With a steady aim, he fired the marble, hitting the kidnapper right between the eyes. Undeterred, Owen took another shot, this time hitting the kidnapper in the chest. The shocked kidnapper began swearing and cursing.

13-year-old boy stops kidnapper with a $3 toy his mom bought for him

This astonishing incident took place in broad daylight at the Burns’ home in Alpena Township, Michigan. Maggie Burns, their mother, later expressed her disbelief, as kidnappings were unheard of in their peaceful neighborhood.

Thanks to Owen’s bravery, his sister was safe, albeit shaken by the traumatic event. The kidnapper turned out to be a 17-year-old, and the Michigan State Police confirmed that he would be charged as an adult. Lieutenant John Grimshaw praised Owen’s extraordinary actions, describing them as heroic.

The slingshot Owen used was nothing fancy – his mother had bought it on clearance for just $3. He often practiced his aim by targeting old orange juice cans in their yard, a hobby that proved to be invaluable in this dangerous situation.

When Owen first saw the kidnapper attempting to abduct his sister, his mind raced with horrifying possibilities. He knew that if the stranger succeeded, his sister could become a sex slave or worse, lose her life. Fueled by adrenaline and a fierce protective instinct, Owen took action without a second thought.

The encounter unfolded as the kidnapper grabbed Owen’s sister from behind, following a classic movie scene of covering her mouth and wrapping his arm around her waist, trying to drag her into the woods.

In a stroke of quick thinking, Owen fired his slingshot, striking the kidnapper. Startled, Owen’s sister managed to break free and ran inside, tearfully recounting the near-death experience to her brother. Filled with rage, Owen confronted the kidnapper, throwing a baseball that missed its mark. He then attempted to use his slingshot once more, but unfortunately, the rubber band snapped, rendering his third attempt futile.

With their hearts pounding, the siblings immediately called their mother, who had been out helping a relative. Upon hearing her children’s distraught voices mentioning the word “kidnapper,” she rushed home and called the police.

The kidnapper was eventually apprehended at a nearby gas station. Police confirmed the injuries on the suspect’s head and chest matched those caused by Owen’s slingshot. Despite initially doubting her son’s incredible story, Maggie had to admit she was wrong when she saw the undeniable evidence – a growing goose egg on the kidnapper’s forehead.

Owen’s heroism serves as a reminder that extraordinary things can happen in real life, just like in the movies. His quick thinking and brave actions saved his sister from a terrifying fate and earned him the title of a true hero.

This heartwarming story showcases the incredible bond between siblings and the power of determination in the face of danger. Share this inspiring tale with your friends and family to spread the message of bravery and love.