Dating can be tricky, especially in the digital age where apps like Tinder, Hinge, and Bumble have become popular among millennials and Gen Z. These platforms are known for their user-friendly interfaces and success stories of finding lifelong love. However, just like in real-life dating, there are trends that we need to be aware of, and one in particular that has resurfaced recently is called ‘roaching’.

Roaching is a term inspired by the common household pest, the cockroach. Similar to seeing one cockroach and realizing there’s usually an infestation hiding in the background, roaching refers to a partner being dishonest and secretly dating multiple other people while seeing you. It’s not exactly cheating, but it is frowned upon because of the lack of transparency about their love life.

So, how do you know if you’re a victim of roaching? According to OkCupid dating coach Damona Hoffman, some signs include feeling like the person is not fully available to you, being secretive about certain details, and exhibiting body language that suggests they’re not being honest. Senior therapist Sally Baker also suggests looking out for over-explaining, stumbling over words, or avoiding discussions about the future.

Being a victim of roaching can have its risks, especially when it comes to sexual health. If there’s uncertainty about exclusivity, the risk of contracting STDs may be higher. Sally advises using barrier methods of contraception, along with other forms of birth control, to ensure your safety.

In the end, it’s crucial to communicate openly and honestly with your partner. If you haven’t had the “exclusive talk” yet, it’s understandable for both of you to date other people. However, if you suspect roaching, it may be time to address the situation and determine if your partner is willing to be transparent and committed.

Remember, staying safe in the world of dating apps is important. Keep an eye out for any signs of roaching, and trust your instincts. Happy dating, everyone!