Did you know that the gas stove in your kitchen can have serious health implications? According to Dr. Ben Ewald, a seasoned doctor with over 30 years of experience, using a gas stove on a regular basis is equivalent to living with a smoker. It’s startling, isn’t it?

Doctor warns that a common kitchen appliance may be making people sick

Dr. Ewald explains that gas stoves produce nitrogen dioxide, a respiratory irritant, which can be harmful even at low levels. This can lead to the development of conditions like asthma, allergies, and in extreme cases, pneumonia. The tiny particles of nitrogen dioxide emitted by the gas flame are perfectly sized to enter our respiratory systems and cause irritation. Children, with their developing lungs, are particularly vulnerable to these health risks.

Gas stoves can cause health issues people be unaware of.

But the dangers don’t end there. Gas stoves also release formaldehyde and benzene, which are known carcinogens and further irritate our respiratory systems. It’s clear that the potential health risks associated with gas stoves are a matter of concern for people of all ages.

Dr Ben Ewald said the impacts could be especially bad for children.

While some cities have introduced legislation to ban fossil fuel equipment in new buildings, such as gas-powered stoves, New York has taken a significant step towards a greener future. In 2026 and 2029, New York plans to enforce a ban on gas-powered stoves, propane heating, and furnaces in new buildings. The aim is to encourage the use of climate-friendly appliances like heat pumps and induction stoves. However, certain exemptions are in place for large commercial buildings.

It’s essential that we take these health concerns seriously and consider alternative options for our kitchens. Choosing appliances that are not only environmentally friendly but also healthier for us and our families should be a top priority.

Let’s make informed decisions about our kitchen appliances and create a healthier living space for ourselves and our loved ones.