My husband, John, and I have been fortunate in life, and recently we wanted to do something special for our family. Our granddaughter, Robin, had just gotten married, and we thought, why not celebrate with a big family vacation?

We chose Bora Bora as our destination because it’s one of those dreamy places you see on postcards and wonder if people actually go there. And guess what? We decided we were going to be those people!

We found a fantastic deal for our accommodation. Three bungalows for the grandkids and their families, and a beautiful villa for John and me. The bungalows were spacious, each with its own bathroom and outdoor space. But let me tell you, the villa… it was something else. It had everything, a bedroom, a sauna in the bathroom, a living room, and the highlight, an outdoor area with a bathtub, a pool, and a slide straight into the ocean. It was pure paradise.

However, things took an unexpected turn on our first day. During dinner, our granddaughter, Robin, who hadn’t seen our villa yet, demanded that we give it to her. She was upset that we had a larger and more luxurious space while she and the others were in the bungalows. It was quite a scene.

I tried explaining to Robin that the size of the room wasn’t the point of the vacation; it was about spending quality time together as a family. I also explained that there was only one villa and giving it to her would be unfair to the others. But she was adamant and accused us of using money to control her. She even threatened to leave the next day.

John thought it would be best to give in to keep the peace, but I couldn’t bring myself to do that. I felt that it was important to teach Robin a lesson about gratitude and appreciating what we have. So, that night, I couldn’t sleep a wink, thinking about how to handle the situation.

The next morning, when Robin was still upset and refusing to join us for breakfast, I made a decision. I told her that if she really wanted to leave, I would respect her decision and even help her arrange a flight back home. I didn’t want to force anyone to stay, but I also wasn’t going to beg her to remain.

I took action and booked a flight for Robin and her husband to leave. I know it may sound harsh, but sometimes tough love is necessary. The hotel staff helped them pack their things, and I watched from our villa’s balcony, feeling a mix of sadness and relief.

After they left, there was an awkward atmosphere during breakfast. But I decided it was time to clear the air. I reminded everyone that our goal was to enjoy ourselves and not fight over who gets the fancier room. It was a turning point for our family, and we were finally able to fully enjoy the vacation.

This experience taught us all valuable lessons about setting boundaries, respecting each other, and appreciating the time we have together. And even though it was a challenging situation, I believe we all grew from it, including Robin, wherever she may be now.