Taking a sick day from work can be a much-needed break from the daily grind. Whether we actually experience illness or just need some rest, it’s a common practice. However, one woman took her sick day to the extreme and ended up in an unexpected situation.

This woman had planned a secret trip to Bali, Indonesia under the guise of a doctor’s appointment. While she was technically sick, she didn’t reveal the full truth to her colleagues. Little did she know, this decision would result in an encounter she never saw coming.

As she boarded her flight, she casually opened her phone only to be shocked by what she saw. There, on her screen, was a picture of her boss. It turned out they were on the same flight! Feeling caught off guard, she decided to share her story on TikTok, and it quickly gained over a million views.

The comment section flooded with cringe-worthy statements and similar stories from others who had found themselves in unexpected situations. When asked for more details, she explained that she was waiting in line when she noticed a familiar face approaching her. To her surprise, it was her boss.

Feeling caught and unsure how to react, her boss humorously commented, “Oh, so this is a hospital?” Instead of a tense encounter, they both laughed and ended up talking the whole way to the airplane. Her boss even took the opportunity to capture the moment with a picture that he sent to her later.

This amusing and unexpected turn of events shows that life has a way of throwing surprises our way, even when we least expect it. So, the next time you need a break from work and consider taking a sick day, just remember this story and the possibility of unexpected encounters.