When it comes to The Simpsons, there’s one thing we can all agree on – it never fails to make us laugh. The show is filled with unforgettable characters, hilarious catchphrases, and uncanny predictions of our world’s ongoing events. It’s hard to imagine anyone not finding humor in The Simpsons. But surprisingly, there is one group that remains unamused – the King’s Guard in the UK.

Hank Azaria tries to make King's Guard crack by unloading several Simpsons voices on him

Annoying tourists, influencers, or even “comedians” have all tried to crack a smile from the King’s Guard, but to no avail. These stoic soldiers have a reputation for their unwavering commitment to their duty, and it seems impossible to make them laugh. However, one famous Simpsons actor took on the challenge.

Who wouldn't laugh at these guys? (Disney)

Hank Azaria, the voice behind iconic characters like Moe the Bartender, Chief Wiggum, Comic Book Guy, and Professor Frink, decided to test the King’s Guard’s sense of humor. Azaria approached a guard and said, “Let’s see if the guard is a Simpsons fan.” He then unleashed his repertoire of voices in a bid to elicit a laugh.

** Check it out:**

Hank Azaria voices a bunch of Simpsons characters. (Variety via Getty Images)

Despite Azaria cycling through his iconic voices, the guard remained stone-faced, not even remotely cracking a grin. Azaria posted the video on TikTok, and fans couldn’t help but admire the guard’s unwavering willpower. One fan commented, “Give that dude a raise. I would’ve been smiling immediately. You’re amazing, Hank.” Another fan joked, “The guard later was probably like, ‘You’re not going to believe me.’”

While fans found Azaria’s voices hilarious, some wondered why he didn’t include Apu, a character he used to voice. The reason behind this is that Azaria no longer voices Apu due to the backlash over a white voice actor portraying an Indian character with a racially stereotypical accent.

Apu was the source of a lot of controversy. (Fox)

Azaria expressed his remorse in a 2021 apology, stating, “I really didn’t know any better. I didn’t think about it. I was unaware of how much relative advantage I had received in this country as a white kid from Queens. Part of me feels I need to go round to every single Indian person in this country and personally apologize.”

The power of The Simpsons reaches far and wide, bringing joy to millions. It’s a testament to the show’s timeless humor and enduring popularity. Despite not cracking the King’s Guard, Hank Azaria’s attempt to make them laugh is a testament to the universal appeal of The Simpsons.