There are many things in this world that can give us quite a scare. Sometimes, we may even have a legitimate fear that develops into a phobia. Arachnophobia, for example, is a common fear of spiders that goes beyond a normal concern. It’s a true and overwhelming fear.

Man Tries To Kill Spider With A Blowtorch And Starts A Massive House Fire

Usually, this fear can be managed by either exterminating the spiders or simply avoiding them. However, it’s important to be cautious when trying to get rid of spiders because they may come back to haunt us. This was exactly what happened to a man from Fresno, California.

This unfortunate incident caught the attention of the Fresno Fire Department, who shared the news on Facebook. It turns out that the homeowner accidentally started a structure fire in West Fresno while trying to exterminate a spider using a blowtorch. Yes, you read that correctly! A blowtorch.

We don’t know if the homeowner had tried any other methods before resorting to the blowtorch. It could have been the first thing he grabbed or within arm’s reach, but regardless, it caused a fire that quickly spread through the house.

Luckily, no one was injured, and the fire was extinguished before the entire structure burned to the ground. However, as you can see from the pictures of the scene, the house will need some serious repair work.

Ironically, we don’t even know if the spider was successfully eliminated in the process. Perhaps the worst part of it all is that the homeowner risked his safety and property without a guaranteed outcome.

The Fresno Fire Department emphasized the importance of using safer methods or contacting a professional for pest control. They reminded everyone, “We get it, we don’t like spiders either, but it’s never a good idea to use a blowtorch or any other flammable device for pest control.” Wise advice indeed.