There are times when individuals with remarkable athletic abilities push themselves to the limits, seeking new challenges. Unfortunately, some journeys end in tragedy.

This was the case for Jean Daniel Pession, a talented World Cup skier, and his girlfriend, Elisa Arlian. Together, they embarked on a hike to the top of Mount Zerbion in northern Italy, but their adventure took a devastating turn. The couple tragically fell approximately 2300 feet from the summit, losing their lives in the process.

It took hours of exhaustive searching to locate their fallen bodies. Eventually, rescuers were able to track them down using the signal from their cell phone. Shockingly, Pession and Arlian were discovered close to each other, as if locked in a final embrace.

The couple had set out early in the morning and were familiar with the peaks they were hiking. Concern arose when they failed to return home, prompting their worried family to call for help. Within moments, helicopters were dispatched to the area. Rescuers bravely descended from the helicopters and stumbled upon the heartbreaking scene of the two lifeless bodies, still tied together.

In response to this tragic incident, the Italian Winter Sports Federation expressed their condolences on their website, stating, “Jean Daniel Pession, a twenty-eight-year-old member of the World Cup team, lost his life in a tragic mountain accident that occurred above Champoluc (Ao). His girlfriend also died together with Pession.”

We extend our heartfelt sympathies to the Pession family during this difficult time. May Jean Daniel Pession and Elisa Arlian rest in eternal peace.