As I sat on the edge of Cindy’s bed, I could feel a sense of worry deep within my heart. Looking at my tearful daughter, I couldn’t help but feel concerned myself. There was something troubling her, and I was determined to find out what it was.

With a gentle tone, I asked Cindy, “Honey, can you please tell me why you cry when grandma comes over?” I hoped that by speaking softly, I could coax the truth out of her.

Cindy sniffled and wiped her eyes before speaking in a small voice. “Because of her friend,” she murmured.

Confusion filled my mind as I tried to make sense of Cindy’s words. “What friend? Grandma always comes alone,” I replied, trying to understand.

Shaking her head, Cindy’s eyes widened with fear. “No, Mommy, she’s not alone. She always brings her friend with her,” she insisted.

I furrowed my brow, struggling to comprehend what Cindy was trying to tell me. “Sweetheart, Grandma doesn’t have any friends who come over,” I reassured her gently.

Despite my attempt to calm her, Cindy’s expression remained troubled. Clutching her favorite stuffed toy tightly, she whispered, “But Mommy, her friend… he’s always there. He watches me when you’re not looking.”

A shiver ran down my spine as I absorbed Cindy’s words. Suddenly, everything fell into place, and a wave of panic washed over me. Could it be true? Was Cindy hinting that there was something more to my mother’s visits?

Embracing Cindy tightly, fear and uncertainty consumed my thoughts. It was time to confront my mother and uncover the truth behind Cindy’s cryptic revelation. Little did I know that this conversation with my daughter was just the beginning of a haunting journey to unveil the dark secrets lurking within our family.