A shocking incident took place over the weekend when a tourist was bitten by a King’s Guard horse and ended up fainting. The incident was captured in a viral video that shows the woman approaching the horse to take a photo next to it, just like many other tourists do. However, as soon as she got close, the horse lunged and bit her arm with great force, causing her to fall to the ground.

Ironically, this incident happened right under a sign that clearly warned visitors about the potential danger of the horses. The sign read, “Beware: Horses may kick or bite! Thank you.” Despite the clear warning, the woman proceeded and paid the price for her actions.

After a few seconds, the horse released its grip, and the woman stumbled back to her loved ones who checked on her. Initially, she seemed fine, but as the video ended, she was seen collapsed on the floor, surrounded by concerned onlookers.

The authorities were alerted, and the woman received medical treatment for her injuries. While some people expressed sympathy for her, others pointed out that there are clear warnings advising tourists to stay away from the horses for a reason.

This incident serves as a reminder that it’s crucial to respect the boundaries set by these majestic animals. The King’s Guard, formerly known as the Queen’s Guard, play a significant role in protecting the designated areas and are not there to interact with the public or pose for photographs.

Although it may be tempting to capture a photo with the King’s Guard, it’s important to remember that they are professionals with a serious job to do. So, let this incident serve as a cautionary tale – it’s best not to take unnecessary risks when it comes to these powerful and unpredictable animals.