Dating can be a fun and exciting journey, but it’s not always smooth sailing. In fact, some dates can turn out to be incredibly awkward and downright strange. Today, we’re sharing some funny and surprising stories of dating mishaps that will leave you shaking your head and laughing.

1. I’m Glad It’s Over

One woman went on a date that turned out to be a disaster from start to finish. Her partner spent the entire time complaining about his life, leaving her with no opportunity to talk. He bragged about his home country, made a mess at the restaurant, and even talked about wanting to fire people. When the check came, he yelled at her when she suggested splitting it. As if that weren’t enough, he tried to force himself on her at the end of the night. It’s safe to say she never saw him again, and his family definitely heard about his behavior!

2. Making the Exit

Imagine going on a date with someone who can’t put their phone down for a single second. Well, that’s exactly what happened to one Reddit user. The person they were with was glued to their phone the whole time, taking calls and answering texts. The clever user took advantage of the situation when the waitress brought out two different bills and quickly paid their share before making a swift exit.

3. A Kiss for Two

Sometimes, a date can take an unexpected turn and leave you wondering, “What just happened?” A man in the Air Force experienced just that when he kissed both his date and a stuffed rabbit named Pebbles. Yes, you read that right! His date brought along a giant stuffed rabbit and suggested the kiss to keep Pebbles from feeling jealous. It may have been a strange situation, but he went along with it anyway.

4. Giving Up

Blind dates can be hit or miss, but this one was a definite miss. A man was set up on a blind date by a friend, but when they met at the theater, his date looked nothing like her online pictures. To make matters worse, she brought her parents and young brother to the movie, and the brother kept kicking the man’s seat the entire time. Unable to bear it any longer, he left during the movie and chose to drive home instead.

5. A Strange Request

Picture this: you’re on a first date at the London Zoo, and your date asks you to pay for your own ticket while they use a two-for-one coupon. Strange, right? Well, that’s exactly what happened to one woman. Despite the unusual request, she agreed to pay for her own ticket. Talk about a memorable first date!

6. A Big Turnoff

Sometimes, the truth comes out when you least expect it. A woman was on a dinner date when she noticed her date’s wedding ring fall out of his pocket. Shocked and disgusted, she immediately threw some money on the table and made a swift exit. Some situations are just too much to stomach, especially when it involves deceit.

7. Where Is the Check?

Imagine going on a date with someone who tells you they’re already engaged but still wants to go on a few more dates. That’s what happened to one man, and he wasted no time in making his exit. As soon as she dropped that bombshell, he asked for the check and left. Can’t blame him for making a quick getaway!

Dating can be a rollercoaster ride, filled with ups and downs. While we may encounter some bizarre and awkward moments, it’s important to remember that not every date will go perfectly. So, embrace the funny and surprising stories, and who knows? You might just find someone truly magical along the way.