Prince Harry is about to receive an extraordinary gift from his late great-grandmother, the Queen Mother. This gift is said to be significantly larger than what his brother, Prince William, will receive. While most of us may be content with a slice of cake and a few drinks on our birthdays, the royals have a different experience altogether.

Prince Harry with a gift from the Queen Mother

Before her passing in 2002 at the age of 101, the Queen Mother made provisions to ensure that her wealth would be carried forward. She left behind an estimated fortune of £70 million, which she placed in a trust fund for her family. Prince Harry is now set to turn 40 on September 15th, and it’s rumored that he will inherit a whopping £7 million from his late great-grandmother’s wealth.

Queen Mother's fortune

However, this generous gift has stirred some controversy. Prince Harry is expected to receive a larger share of the inheritance pot compared to his older brother, Prince William. This is due to the financial arrangements within the family. While some may question this distribution, it’s important to note that Prince William already benefits from the tax-exempt Duchy of Cornwall, a private estate that funds the majority of his family’s life.

Prince Harry to receive a larger inheritance

Nevertheless, it’s safe to say that both princes are far from struggling financially. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex already have an estimated net worth of over £46 million. This increase in wealth can be attributed to various projects they have undertaken since relocating to the US in 2020. These include a revealing interview with Oprah Winfrey, a Netflix series, Prince Harry’s memoir, and more.

In conclusion, Prince Harry’s upcoming birthday will not only be a cause for celebration but a momentous occasion as he receives a remarkable gift from the Queen Mother’s wealth. As the brothers continue to carve out their own paths, it’s fascinating to witness the financial legacies and opportunities that unfold within the royal family.