Becoming pregnant should be a joyous occasion, especially after struggling for years to conceive. But for one woman, her partner’s unexpected response turned her excitement into shock.

The 26-year-old woman had been with her partner for a decade, and starting a family was something they had discussed. After finally becoming pregnant, she decided to surprise her partner on his 30th birthday. Little did she know, his reaction would leave her speechless.

The woman shared her story on Reddit, and the online community rallied behind her, criticizing her spouse’s behavior. A month later, she gave an update on what transpired after that fateful day.

It all began when she felt unwell but couldn’t take time off from her busy work schedule to visit a doctor. Eventually, on her boyfriend’s birthday morning, she managed to squeeze in a doctor’s appointment. As she sat there awaiting the results, thoughts of her partner’s birthday celebration crossed her mind. Little did she know, her life was about to change forever.

After examining her vital signs and asking some questions, the doctor delivered the news – she was pregnant. Overwhelmed with joy, she thought it would be the perfect surprise for her partner. But when she returned home, her lover was engrossed in a conversation with one of her friends. She tried to pull him aside for a private moment but he brushed her off.

Unable to contain her excitement, she blurted out the news to everyone, despite his request to wait. That’s when she experienced his violent response – he made it all about himself and accused her of spoiling his special day.

Heartbroken, the woman took to Reddit to share her story. She revealed that her partner had broken up with her, only to return ten days later with a confession of being with another woman. Shockingly, he even offered her anything to convince her to have an abortion, but she stood her ground. He gave her two weeks to find a new place to live.

On top of this, the woman disclosed that her partner had prevented her from pursuing her education, stating that it was too far away from their home. It was clear that marriage was not a priority for him, as he believed it was merely a formality to prove love.

Through this difficult experience, the woman learned to stand up for herself and not let others walk all over her like a doormat. However, some people around her found this newfound strength unsettling. “Some people have said that I’ve changed from the ‘lovely innocent’ person they knew before all of this,” she shared.

Redditors overwhelmingly sympathized with the woman, placing the blame on her partner for his selfish behavior. They believed that he should not have acted as though he wanted a child with her in the first place if he couldn’t handle the responsibility.