Have you ever wondered what happens to actors after they finish filming a movie? Well, for one actor, his five minutes of fame in the iconic film Titanic continues to pay off even after 25 years. Meet Reece Thompson, who was just five years old when he landed a role in the blockbuster movie.

Actor from Titanic was still getting paid 25 years after movie was released

You might not remember him, but Reece played the role of the “little Irish boy” in Titanic. Although his role was small, with just three scenes and one line, it left a lasting impact on audiences. And as it turns out, those few moments on screen still bring in a bit of income for Reece to this day.

Reece explained that while he didn’t make much money from his role in the film, he still receives residual cheques based on the movie’s earnings. Every year, he gets a little extra money, usually a couple of hundred bucks, which is definitely a nice surprise. In total, over the years, he has earned around $30,000 (£24,000) from Titanic.

Reece Thompson played a young child on board the Titanic who ultimately doesn't make survive the ship sinking. (20th Century Fox)

But Reece doesn’t rely solely on his Titanic earnings. In fact, he currently works as a marketing director at a skiing and snowboarding resort in Utah. The residual cheques serve as a pleasant bonus rather than a full-time income.

Reflecting on his experience, Reece said, “It’s weird because it’s not present in my mind anymore. It’s not like, ‘Oh, when am I going to get a new Titanic check?’ When it happens, it’s like, ‘Oh, cool, an extra $100.’” He also mentioned that the residual cheques were larger in the years immediately following the movie’s release, but they still come in whenever there’s a spike in Titanic‘s popularity.

These days Reece Thompson is a marketing director at a snowboarding resort. (Facebook)

So, while Reece Thompson’s role in Titanic might not have made him a millionaire, it’s heartwarming to know that he still receives a bit of recognition and financial reward for his contribution to one of the most successful movies of all time. And who knows, maybe Titanic will continue to make waves for many more years to come, bringing in even more money for Reece along the way.

Actor from Titanic was still getting paid 25 years after movie was released