Getting a good night’s sleep can be challenging, especially as we get older. But don’t worry, there’s a new sleep hack called the ‘Alpha Bridge’ method that’s been gaining popularity among young people. Let’s learn more about it!

'Alpha Bridge' method is a new sleep hack for a better night's rest

What is the Alpha Bridge method?

The Alpha Bridge method is a technique designed to trick your body into feeling sleepier. It mimics drowsy eye movements, helping you relax and drift off more quickly. Surprisingly, one of the simplest steps in this method is just opening and closing your eyes.

The 'Alpha Bridge' sleep method only has four 'simple' stages.

How to do the Alpha Bridge method?

Psychologist Erica Terblanche shared this sleep technique on her Instagram page, especially for those who struggle to fall asleep quickly. It involves four simple steps:

  1. Find a comfortable position, whether lying down or sitting.
  2. Close your eyes and count to 30.
  3. Open your eyes to a little half-moon sliver, count to five, then close your eyes again.
  4. Focus on your breathing, watching each breath go in through your nose and out through your nose.
A psychologist explained a little more about the sleep hack. (Maria Korneeva / Getty Images)

According to Terblanche, most people fall asleep within the first cycle of this method.

The Science behind the Alpha Bridge method

Terblanche explains that there are four science-based parts to this practice, allowing you to fall asleep soundlessly and rapidly:

  1. Counting to 30 helps stop mental rumination and gives you something else to focus on.
  2. Opening your eyes a little triggers ironic processing, fooling your brain into not wanting to stay awake.
  3. Counting to 30 while focusing on your breathing helps deepen and slow your breath, resulting in a shift from beta to alpha brain waves, preparing you for sleep.
  4. The final step of triggering ironic processing again tells your brain it’s time to sleep, leading you to a peaceful slumber.

Sweet dreams!

'Alpha Bridge' method is a new sleep hack for a better night's rest