Did you know that a man in New York spent his days as a ‘mole person’, living in a tunnel beneath the city? It’s true! Let’s dive into the fascinating story of this underground dwelling.

'Mole person' lived in 'freedom tunnel' with electricity and internet underneath New York City

New York City has long struggled with homelessness, with an estimated one in 83 New Yorkers being without a home. This includes people staying in shelters, those sleeping on friends’ couches or in cars, and even individuals sleeping rough on the streets.

In the year 1980, a group of people who were experiencing homelessness found refuge in the Riverside Tunnel, also known as the Freedom Tunnel. This tunnel, located beneath the west side highway, provided a sheltered space for them away from the elements. In fact, the area became known as the ‘freedom tunnel’ due to the makeshift communities that sprang up there.

Over the years, the tunnel attracted attention from writers and journalists. Books were written, delving into the lives of the community living within the tunnel. One journalist, Jennifer Toth, and an anthropologist, Teun Voeten, spent several months with the tunnel community, documenting their experiences.

Interestingly, in 2007, a YouTuber named Erik K Swanson stumbled upon evidence that people were once again seeking shelter in the Freedom Tunnel. Swanson’s video showed individuals, like Carlos, who had set up electricity and appliances underground. Carlos, a 48-year-old refugee from Cuba, claimed to have been living in the tunnel for two years.

Unfortunately, Carlos and others living in the tunnel faced hardship when Amtrak, the transportation company, decided to clear out the tunnel in 2012. Carlos noted that much of the garbage was removed, and the people were forced to leave their makeshift homes behind.

Swanson, during a later visit to the tunnel, discovered that one of the individuals, Walter, had passed away when Amtrak began clearing the tunnels. Despite their challenging circumstances, these ‘mole people’ were resourceful and resilient.

It’s worth mentioning that if there are still individuals living underground, they are incredibly well-hidden, as noted by Swanson. Carlos, in particular, garnered the admiration of many online commenters who saw his resilience and resourcefulness.

“In a post-apocalyptic world scenario, Carlos seems like a pretty resourceful and useful guy to have around,” one viewer wrote.

Another commenter expressed sadness for Carlos and believed that authorities should have left him alone, stating, “We could learn a thing or two from Carlos.”

It is people like Carlos who showcase incredible survival instincts and adaptability. They inspire us with their resourcefulness and remind us of the strength of the human spirit.