Losing a loved one is never easy, but for Marc Pavel, it turned into a tragic and unexpected end. The 47-year-old chef had gone to visit his mother’s grave and pay his respects when he was stung by a wasp. What started as a simple visit turned into a fatal encounter.

Marc Pavel had laid flowers at his mother’s grave on that fateful day. Little did he know that this would be his last visit. As he began to feel unwell after the wasp sting, he shared what had happened with a friend. But his condition rapidly deteriorated.

While driving home, Pavel started experiencing difficulties with breathing. With sheer determination, he managed to make it to his car and drove himself just yards away from his house. There, he tried to flag down help but collapsed before he could call out. It was the locals who spotted him, slumped beside his car, and called for an ambulance.

Medics arrived on the scene and resuscitated Pavel. He was then rushed to a hospital in Trieste, Italy. It was determined that he had suffered a cardiac arrest due to anaphylaxis caused by the wasp sting. Despite the efforts of medical professionals to save him, Pavel’s condition continued to worsen.

Four days later, he fell into a coma and passed away in the intensive care unit (ICU). His sudden and tragic death left the community in shock. Marc Pavel was not just a chef and sommelier; he was highly regarded in his area. In 2012, he even won the prestigious “Cook of the Year” award for his innovative culinary creations.

This heart-wrenching incident is not an isolated case. Last year, Eamonn Hogan from Northern Ireland also lost his life due to a wasp sting. Unaware of his life-threatening allergy, Hogan went into anaphylactic shock when stung by a wasp. Despite immediate medical attention, he unfortunately passed away.