If you’re someone who sets multiple alarms in the morning to make sure you don’t oversleep, you might want to think again. Nurse Jordan recently took to TikTok to explain why this habit can actually be damaging to your health.

Nurse issues warning for anyone who sets multiple alarms to wake them up in the morning

When we set multiple alarms and repeatedly disrupt our REM cycle, it can lead to sleep inertia, increased drowsiness, fatigue, mood swings, and elevated cortisol levels. The constant interruptions put our bodies in a fight or flight response, creating unnecessary stress during the morning.

So, what’s the solution? Nurse Jordan suggests a simple approach: when your alarm goes off, get up! By avoiding the repeated trauma of multiple alarms, you can start your day off on the right foot.

Some people may argue that they need several alarms because they sleep through them. Others recommend using a sunrise alarm clock for a more peaceful wake-up experience. Finding what works best for you is essential.

In response to common concerns, Nurse Jordan advises maintaining a regular sleep schedule to help regulate your body’s natural sleep cycle. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends, can make a significant difference. Breaking the pattern occasionally because of a night out won’t have severe consequences.

Are you guilty of hitting snooze a bit too often? (Getty Stock Images/ Flashpop)

Remember, your brain is adaptable, and you have the power to form new habits. While rewiring your brain takes consistency and effort, it’s worth it for a more rested and energized morning. If you’re struggling, try placing your alarm device on the other side of the room to force yourself out of bed.


Good sleep hygiene is a big part of my physical and mental health. I promise I would not be in the shape I am in without doing some serious research in the deep sleep department. Don’t cause yourself extra physical and mental stress. Excess cortisol levels make you gain and hang on to weight. So when the alarm goes off, it’s time, get up. You’ll look and feel better! #fyp #sleep #sleephygiene #cortisol #cortisollevels #healthylifestyle #healthcoach #lifecoach #nursecoach

♬ original sound – Jordan

Taking care of our sleep is crucial for our overall health and well-being. So, let’s rethink those multiple alarms and find a better way to start our mornings.