When Dani and Nathan first met in high school, they were certain they were soulmates. After getting married and starting their life together, they never imagined things would change so dramatically. Unfortunately, just two years into their marriage, Nathan began to transform into someone unrecognizable.

Dani couldn’t figure out why Nathan was acting this way. Perhaps it had something to do with the birth of their precious baby girl, Ellie. Despite being an amazing father, Nathan became critical of Dani, especially her appearance. He constantly urged her to put more effort into her looks, saying, “You’ve let yourself go, Dani. It’s time to spice things up. How do you expect to keep the spark alive like this?”

Not only that, but Nathan also accused Dani of being a neglectful mother, even though she worked from home and devoted plenty of time to their daughter Ellie. “You’re too focused on that computer screen!” he would say. “Do you even pay enough attention to Ellie? She’s always alone when I come home from work.”

Desperate for change, Nathan revealed that he had received a job offer in another city. Since Ellie was in first grade and Dani worked from home, she agreed to the move, hoping it would improve their marriage. Dani enrolled Ellie in a new school, only to notice her daughter becoming increasingly upset and distressed. One day, she discovered Ellie sobbing in her room.

Panicked, Dani asked, “Sweetheart, what’s wrong? Why are you so upset?”

Through her tears, Ellie exclaimed, “I don’t want Miss Allen to be my mother! I want you to be my mom!”

Dani’s heart dropped. Miss Allen was Ellie’s teacher. Confused, she asked, “Why would Miss Allen be your mother?”

With tears streaming down her face, Ellie shared what she had overheard at school. The weight on her tiny shoulders was finally lifted as she spoke, and Dani’s worst fears were confirmed.

“When Dad picked me up from school yesterday, Miss Allen asked me to wait by the door while she spoke to Dad. I couldn’t hear everything, but I heard her say that she’ll be a better mom to me… and Dad laughed!”

Nathan was having an affair.

Filled with a mix of anger and sadness, Dani waited until Ellie was fast asleep before confronting Nathan. Pouring him a drink, she mustered the courage to speak her mind.

“You know, Miss Allen seems to have a great connection with Ellie,” she began. Nathan’s eyes lit up at the mention of Miss Allen.

“Do you think Ellie likes her?” he asked eagerly.

Dani went straight to the point, asking, “Does Ellie like Miss Allen enough to consider her a new mother? Please, do not lie to me.”

Nathan couldn’t face her gaze and shamefully confessed. The affair with Ellie’s teacher had started soon after they met. But that wasn’t all. He had also been involved with another woman in their old city who suddenly wanted more from him than just being a mistress. That revelation had prompted him to get a new job and move away.

In that moment, Dani knew her marriage was doomed.

Over the next few days, Dani transferred Ellie to a different school. She wanted to shield her precious daughter from the painful reality and ensure she was surrounded by love and protection, away from the chaos caused by her father’s infidelity.