
Alright, now we’re all familiar with the rawdogging trend, let’s spice it up some more. But first, just so we’re on the same page – we’re all thinking of the TikTok trend, not spicing up our sex lives, aren’t we? ‘Cookie-jarring’ is the new kid on the block, and while it may not be hilarious or as insane as rawdogging a flight, it is certainly something you should familiarize yourself with if you are dating – or looking to date.

Are You Being Cookie-Jarred?

The majority of older folks, or at least in the US, will have a jar of cookies in their home that they will refrain from eating unless they are in need of comfort food – be that a stressful day, feeling lonesome, anxious, sad, or just bored. Well, the terminology ‘cookie-jarring’ derives from just that – you’ll have those snickerdoodles and whoopie pies that you keep nearby because they’re sweet and better than fruit… but after you eat them, you don’t find yourself wanting more. Often it leaves you regretting your decision.

Cookie-jarring – the new terminology in the dating world. (Getty Stock Image)

In dating terms, it refers to someone dating more than one person at the same time – but not for genuine reasons. Instead, it’s in case their main relationship falls through, they’ll have someone to fall back on. If you’re being cookie-jarred, you’re essentially a safety net.

Don’t let your date comfort eat from your cookie jar. (Getty Stock Image)

Protecting Yourself from Being Cookie-Jarred

So, how can you defend yourself against the people that hide you away in the cupboard? Well, there are four signs to look out for to make sure you aren’t playing the fool. In no particular order, let’s get into them.

Not putting a label on your relationship

If you’ve been dating for a few weeks, months, or years and you’ve tried to put a label on your ‘situationship’ but your ‘partner’ consistently pushes it back, and you don’t know exactly where you stand or whether there is any progression… Then you could be in the cookie jar.

A one-sided relationship

Are you the only one putting any sort of effort in? Well, if you are the only one arranging anything then again, you might be getting cookie-jarred.

There are early signs to look out for so you can avoid dating the Cookie Monster. (Roy Rochlin/Getty Images for DoubleTree by Hilton)

Lack of plans or discussion about the future

Much like the top two signs, the third indicator is whether the person you’re dating avoids making concrete plans and doesn’t wish to speak about the future between the two of you… cookie jar.

Feeling insecure

Finally, if you feel it in your gut that something isn’t right – are you constantly feeling insecure about your relationship, then maybe you aren’t really in one.


Hopefully, these indicators will help protect you from the cookie monster – you deserve better, we all do.