Have you ever been in a situation where you end up paying for everyone at a restaurant because your partner conveniently “forgets” their credit card? Well, I have.

I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 9 months now, and once a week, we go out to eat with his kids. It’s a nice way for all of us to spend some quality time together. However, there’s just one small problem – every single time the bill comes, my boyfriend suddenly realizes that he has forgotten his credit card. And guess who ends up picking up the tab? That’s right, it’s me!

Last time, things escalated quickly. Right after I received my paycheck, my boyfriend let his kids order whatever they wanted, resulting in a massive bill. Little did he know that I had a plan up my sleeve.

When the bill arrived, instead of reaching for my wallet as usual, I looked at my boyfriend expectantly, raising an eyebrow. His reaction was priceless – he patted his pockets theatrically, pretending to search for his card. “Oh no,” he said with a touch of drama in his voice. “I forgot my card again.”

With a sweet smile, I turned to the waiter and asked him to split the bill. I made it clear that my boyfriend would cover his own and his kids’ meals, while I would pay for mine. The waiter nodded, and my boyfriend’s face turned from pale to red in an instant. He tried to come up with an excuse, stammering and widening his eyes in panic.

But I remained nonchalant. “No worries,” I said casually. “You can always call someone to bring your card or transfer the money to me, and I’ll cover your part.”

His kids watched the situation unfold, clearly confused. Meanwhile, my boyfriend fumbled for his phone, desperately trying to find a way out. “Uh, well, maybe you could just cover it this time, and I’ll pay you back when we get home?” he suggested, hoping for a way to escape this embarrassing situation.

Leaning back in my chair, I crossed my arms. “You’ve been saying that for months, but I’ve never seen a dime. It’s time for you to take responsibility.”

As the waiter returned with the split bill, I handed over my card to cover my portion. My boyfriend’s face turned into a mix of embarrassment and anger. He made a hurried call to a friend, begging for a quick loan to cover his and the kids’ meals.

Seeing the tension rise and the kids getting restless, I decided to lighten the mood. I leaned over and suggested playing a game while we waited – I Spy! Their faces lit up, and we started to play, their laughter filling the air and breaking the awkward silence.

Eventually, my boyfriend’s friend arrived, looking annoyed but handing over the cash. My boyfriend paid the bill, muttering under his breath.

While we walked out of the restaurant, I pulled my boyfriend aside for a serious conversation. “We need to talk about this,” I said firmly. “I’m happy to treat once in a while, but this has become a pattern. If we’re going to make this work, we need to be partners – supporting each other instead of one person always bailing the other out.”

He looked down, shamefaced. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

I nodded, hoping that he truly meant it. Relationships are about balance and mutual respect, and it was time for him to learn that lesson. As we walked to the car, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, optimistic that this would be a turning point for us.