Who doesn’t love their furry friends? They bring us joy, laughter, and unforgettable moments. But what if I told you that your beloved pet could unintentionally start a devastating fire while you’re away? That’s the terrifying reality some pet owners recently faced.

On July 31, the Tulsa Fire Department shared a shocking home security video that serves as a stark warning to all pet owners. In the footage, a dog can be seen chewing on a portable battery, unknowingly setting off a catastrophic chain of events.

Lithium-ion batteries, like the one the dog chewed on, are known for storing a great amount of energy in a small space. However, when something goes wrong, they can release heat, flammable gases, and even explode. And that’s exactly what happened in this case.

As the dog punctured the battery, it started spewing out liquid and ignited the nearby dog cushion. In a matter of seconds, the flames engulfed the entire room. It’s truly chilling to watch.

The Tulsa Fire Department wants to raise awareness about the potential dangers of lithium-ion batteries. These batteries can go haywire due to damage, overcharging, or exposure to heat. And the consequences can be catastrophic.

To prevent such incidents, it’s crucial to follow manufacturer guidelines when using lithium-ion batteries. Only use approved chargers and store them out of reach of children and pets. These precautions might seem simple, but they can save lives—both human and animal.

The outcome of this particular incident was devastating. The room was destroyed, and the fire department had to be called in to put out the flames. The fortunate part, though, is that all the dogs in the house were able to escape unharmed. But it could have ended so differently if the dogs hadn’t had a doggy door to escape through or if a family had been sleeping upstairs, unaware of the fire.

As pet owners, it’s our responsibility to create a safe environment for our furry companions. Let this story serve as a reminder to be proactive and take precautions. We cherish our pets, and their safety is paramount. By being aware of the potential dangers of everyday items like batteries, we can prevent accidents and protect those we love.