Making friends as adults is difficult. Finding genuine friends who have no ulterior motives is even harder. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are 5 signs to help you spot a fake friend before it’s too late.

1. They’re always gossiping.

Fake friends thrive on negativity and love to talk behind people’s backs. If you notice that they’re constantly gossiping and saying negative things about others, it’s a clear sign that they can’t be trusted. Remember, if they’re talking about others that way, they’re probably talking about you too.

On the other hand, if you have a friend who always speaks positively about others, they’re probably a genuine friend. These people are positive lights in the world and should be cherished.

2. You feel bad about yourself whenever you’re around them.

Real friends are supposed to lift you up and make you feel good about yourself. If you constantly feel worse about yourself after spending time with someone, they may not be a true friend. Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you, because they can have a positive impact on your self-esteem.

3. They only ever pick out your flaws.

Honesty is important in any friendship, but there’s a difference between constructive criticism and tearing someone down. A real friend will point out both the positive and negative aspects of your behavior in a respectful way. Fake friends, on the other hand, will only focus on your flaws. You deserve friends who help you grow without constantly putting you down.

4. They are never there for you but expect you to always be there for them.

True friends are there for each other through thick and thin. If you have someone in your life who constantly cancels plans, never listens to your problems, and only wants your help when it’s convenient for them, they may not be a genuine friend. A real friend prioritizes your friendship and makes an effort to be present and supportive.

5. They hold grudges.

We all make mistakes, but real friends forgive and move on. If you have a friend who brings up past mistakes to make you feel guilty and manipulate you, they are not a genuine friend. True friends have the courage to communicate directly and resolve conflicts, without holding grudges.

Remember, you deserve friends who cherish and value you. Don’t settle for fake friendships. Surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you and uplift you.