Job interviews can be nerve-wracking. No matter how much you prepare, there always seems to be a surprise question that catches you off guard. But fear not! We’re here to help you succeed in your next interview by revealing seven secret tricks that employers use to test if you’re the right fit for the job.

Trick 1: The Coffee Test

Coffee Cup

Have you ever been offered a drink during an interview? While it may seem like a kind gesture, there’s often a hidden motive behind it. Employers want to see how you handle a simple task – what you do with the cup after the interview. Will you take initiative and clean up after yourself, or leave it for someone else? This small test reveals your sense of responsibility and whether you align with the company’s values. Remember, culture starts from the ground up!

Trick 2: The Waiting Game


Ever find yourself waiting past your scheduled interview time? Employers sometimes use this tactic to test your reaction to stress. They want to see how you handle situations where you have no control. Will you remain calm and collected, or become flustered and annoyed? Your ability to handle unexpected delays reflects your problem-solving skills and adaptability.

Trick 3: Aggressive Behavior

Angry Boss

During the interview, you might encounter tough or aggressive questioning. The purpose of this is to make you feel uncomfortable and evaluate your ability to stay calm under pressure. Employers want to see if you can think clearly and maintain composure when confronted with difficult situations. Remember, if you can handle it during the interview, you can handle it in real life too!

Trick 4: How Rude!

Rude Interviewer

Sometimes, employers may act rude or dismissive towards you. They may check their phone, interrupt you, or seem uninterested. This tactic tests your confidence and patience. Stay focused, calmly repeat your answers, and stand your ground. By demonstrating your ability to remain respectful and confident in tough situations, you show that you can handle challenging encounters with grace.

Trick 5: Random Questions


Be prepared for unexpected, random questions during an interview. Employers use these to assess your creative thinking abilities. Don’t worry if you don’t consider yourself creative. They’re looking for answers with valid reasoning, so think logically and justify your responses. And remember, don’t hesitate to ask for clarifications or specifications before answering!

Trick 6: More Than One Opinion

Interview Process

The interview starts from the moment you step into the company’s premises. Employers often ask receptionists, drivers, or other employees about their interactions with you. This extends beyond basic politeness. They want to know if you engaged with others, showed interest, or simply kept to yourself. Make an effort to have polite conversations with everyone you encounter during the interview process.

Trick 7: Meeting Potential Coworkers


In some cases, employers may introduce you to potential coworkers after the interview. Don’t relax just yet! The employer will seek their impressions of you. Their opinions matter as they will be the ones working closely with you. Be friendly, authentic, and let your true personality shine through. This is your chance to make a positive lasting impression.

Remember, interviews can be challenging, but if you anticipate these tricks and prepare accordingly, you’ll be one step closer to landing your dream job! Stay calm, take your time, and respond thoughtfully. You’ve got this!