Did you know that every person with blue eyes shares a common ancestor? It’s true! Scientists have discovered that all individuals with blue eyes are descendants of the same person who lived around 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. Before this ancestor, there were no blue eyes, only brown.

Every blue eyed person on Earth is a descendant of one common ancestor

Uncovering the Genetic Mutation

Researchers like Hans Eiberg from the University of Copenhagen have conducted studies to understand the origin of blue eyes. Through their investigations, they found a genetic mutation in the OCA2 gene, which “turns off” the production of brown pigments and leads to the manifestation of blue eyes. This mutation affects the melanin production responsible for the coloration of our skin, eyes, and hair.

The discovery of this genetic mutation has allowed scientists to identify a specific gene called HERC2, which inhibits the OCA2 gene and results in the appearance of various shades of blue in the eyes.

All Blue-Eyed People Share a Common Ancestor

Multiple studies have confirmed that individuals with blue eyes from different countries and regions share the same genetic haplotype. This finding indicates that every person with blue eyes is linked to a single ancestor who experienced the genetic mutation and passed it on through generations.

The research conducted on DNA samples from participants in various locations revealed that the DNA sequence responsible for blue eyes hadn’t undergone significant shuffling between generations. This lack of shuffling preserved the unique haplotype of blue-eyed individuals.

While the exact cause and timing of this mutation remain unknown, it is clear that eye color began to change even before recorded human history. Our eyes, with their mesmerizing beauty, not only bring people closer together but also provide a deep understanding of our complex genetic makeup.

The Ever-Evolving Field of Science

Science is a constantly evolving field, with researchers continually learning and discovering new things. The study on the origin of blue eyes was initially conducted in 2008 and has since been revisited. It’s highly likely that scientists will continue to delve into this intriguing topic, uncovering more about our shared ancestry and the fascinating genetic makeup that shapes who we are.