When we consider the challenges we face, let us not forget about the children who have nothing and are in desperate need of our help. A charity organization recently shared a touching wish list written by a foster child in Oklahoma.

Foster Child's Wishlist To His Parents Who Adopted Him Is Heart Wrenching

This simple list speaks volumes about the kind of home the child may have come from. The items listed are basic necessities that we often take for granted, but for this child, they were things that had to be requested. For those who are considering adopting or fostering a child, this list may truly make a difference.

Dreamcatchers for Abused Children

Image Credit: Dreamcatchers for Abused Children

Dreamcatchers for Abused Children is a charity organization that aims to educate about child abuse and assist victims in finding the resources they need to heal. They provide information on recognizing the symptoms of child abuse, intervention methods, prevention strategies, children’s rights, and safety. They also share stories to raise awareness about these important issues. Stories about abused children are painful to read, but sometimes the words of an abused child can touch our hearts even more deeply. Dreamcatchers for Abused Children recently shared the wishlist of a foster child, and it broke the hearts of everyone who read it.

The Foster Child’s Wishlist

The wishlist written by this foster child is a heartbreaking testament to their needs and desires. Here are some of the things they long for in their new family:

  • Food and water, the most basic necessities of life.
  • A home with running water and lights, a safe and comfortable environment.
  • Love, a precious and essential emotion for every child.
  • A peaceful household, free from parental conflicts.
  • An absence of drugs, providing a safe and secure environment.
  • The safety and well-being of their beloved pets.
  • Academic support, someone to help them with their schoolwork.
  • Clean and nice clothes, ensuring they feel confident and cared for.
  • Freedom from lice and bugs, preventing discomfort and disease.
  • A clean and tidy home, a place where they can feel at peace.
  • A bed with warm covers and a good night’s sleep.
  • The assurance that their toys will not be taken away or sold.
  • Fair treatment and equal opportunities.
  • A home free from alcohol abuse.
  • The comfort of having a TV and the ability to keep their games.
  • The necessary school supplies to succeed in their education.
  • Good-quality shoes for their growing feet.
  • Personal hygiene products like their own comb and soap.
  • A safe home with proper heating and cooling.
  • A warm coat to protect them during the winter months.
  • A toothbrush for maintaining good oral health.

It is heartbreaking to think that so many children in the United States could write a similar wishlist. Each year, millions of children are in need of help and protection. In 2019 alone, over 656,000 children were identified as victims of child abuse, and tragically, some children lost their lives as a result of abuse and neglect. These numbers may even be underestimated. The situation is urgent, and we must take action to protect and support these vulnerable children.

Recognizing Signs of Child Abuse

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Child abuse can take various forms, and all of them can have a devastating impact on a child’s health and well-being. It is crucial to be aware of the signs of child abuse in order to protect and help these children. Some of the signs to watch out for include:

  • Neglected appearance, indicating a lack of care and attention.
  • Unexplained bruises or wounds that do not heal.
  • Untreated medical issues, a sign of neglect.
  • Fear of parents or caregivers, suggesting a hostile environment.
  • Excessive crying or crying in inappropriate situations.
  • Regression to behaviors characteristic of a younger age.
  • Withdrawal from others and social situations.
  • Difficulties with learning and concentration.
  • Regular absences from school.
  • Sudden changes in behavior and personality.
  • Overachieving or seeking approval excessively.

If you suspect that a child is being abused, it is important to take action. In cases of immediate danger, call 911. For other situations, contact a local child protective agency, the police, or The Child Help National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-422-4453. It is essential to keep the child away from the abuser until help arrives and to ensure that any contact is supervised. However, never take the law into your own hands or threaten the abuser.

The Importance of Fostering and Adoption

Image Credit: Shutterstock

Children enter the foster care system for various reasons, including abuse, neglect, abandonment, or having parents in prison. Regardless of the circumstances, these children are in need of support and care. Sometimes they need a temporary home where they can heal and feel loved, while others may need a forever family.

Fostering or adopting a child is not a decision to be taken lightly. It requires thorough research and consideration. However, it can also be an incredibly rewarding experience. By providing a stable and loving home, you can make a lasting positive impact on a child’s life.

Considerations for Fostering and Adoption

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There are important factors to consider before becoming a foster or adoptive parent. It is crucial that everyone in the household is fully on board, including biological children. The decision to foster or adopt affects the entire family, and it is essential that everyone is willing and supportive.

Children who have experienced trauma or abuse may require extensive patience, support, and love, in addition to meeting their physical needs. Quality time, emotional energy, and financial security are all necessary for their well-being.

Foster parents should be prepared for the possibility that the child may initially be unhappy and display sadness, anger, or resentment. It is important not to take these reactions personally, as the child may have never experienced a stable and loving home before. Foster parents must also be ready to say goodbye when the time comes.

For those considering adoption, total commitment is required. Despite the challenges that may arise, adoptive parents should remain determined to provide a loving and secure home for their child.

Giving a Child the Gift of Family

Image Credit: Shutterstock

Ultimately, parents—whether adoptive or foster—should be driven by love and the desire to provide a child with a caring family and a safe home. They should be willing to forgive the child’s past and work towards their healing and happiness. If you are interested in fostering or adoption, take the time to thoroughly research the process and requirements. By opening your heart and home, you can give a child the chance to experience the love and stability they deserve.