Dating is an experience that has evolved over the years. While we may meet people in different ways now, one thing remains the same – there are good dates and bad dates. We’ve all been on those dreaded dates that we just want to forget about as soon as possible. But at the end of the day, these experiences make for some pretty great stories.

Misery loves company, and that’s why we’ve compiled a list of the top 16 worst dates we’ve ever heard of. Get ready to cringe, laugh, and feel better about your own love life.

Here they are:

  1. The dinner disaster – Imagine going on a date where your partner is rude to the waiter and chews with their mouth open. Talk about a turn-off!

  2. The awkward movie date – You thought watching a movie together would be a great idea, but your date spends the entire time on their phone.

  3. The blind date nightmare – Your friend set you up on a blind date, but after a few minutes of conversation, you realize you have absolutely nothing in common.

  4. The bad breath bandit – Nothing ruins a date faster than someone with bad breath. No amount of mints can save that situation.

  5. The never-ending monologue – Your date talks about themselves non-stop, without showing any interest in getting to know you. It’s like they’re giving a TED talk!

  6. The fashion disaster – Your date showed up wearing socks with sandals and a Hawaiian shirt. Not exactly the first impression you were hoping for.

  7. The belittler – Your date constantly puts you down and makes snide comments about your interests. Time to run in the opposite direction.

  8. The picky eater – Your partner only eats plain pasta and refuses to try anything new. Good luck finding a restaurant that caters to their limited taste buds.

  9. The cheapskate – Your date avoids paying for anything and even suggests splitting the bill down to the very last penny. Romance at its finest.

  10. The one-upper – No matter what story you tell, your date has a similar, but better, experience. It’s a competition you never signed up for.

  11. The oversharing expedition – Your date tells you their life story within five minutes of meeting. TMI!

  12. The ghoster – You thought the date went well, but then they disappear into thin air. No calls, no texts, nothing.

  13. The pet lover – Your date brings their pet along to the date and pays more attention to it than to you. Good luck getting some attention.

  14. The know-it-all – Your partner has an answer for everything, even when they clearly have no idea what they’re talking about. Cue the eye-rolling.

  15. The conspiracy theorist – Your date believes in every wild conspiracy theory out there and spends the entire date trying to convince you that aliens are among us.

  16. The time traveler – Your date shows up an hour late, claiming they got caught in a time warp. Sorry, but we’re not buying it.

We hope these stories made you chuckle and reminded you that you’re not alone in the world of bad dates. Just remember, sometimes the worst dates make for the best memories.