The 2024 Olympics came to a close with an unforgettable moment, thanks to Australian athlete Rachael Gunn, popularly known as Raygun. Her performance captured the attention of the internet after receiving a shocking 0.0 score at the Games. This incident led to Raygun being fiercely defended after it was discovered that her sport, breakdancing, had already been axed from the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles [^1^].

Many trolls took the opportunity to make jokes about Raygun’s Olympic performance, suggesting that her zero score was the reason breakdancing would no longer feature in 2028. One person even jokingly commented, “Break dancing will not be part of the 2028 Olympics. This chick killed the entire competition with one dance.” [^2^]

However, it’s important to clarify that the decision to exclude breakdancing from the 2028 Olympics was actually made before this summer’s Games even began. Paris, the host city for the 2024 Olympics, chose breakdancing as one of the sports to be included, but Los Angeles did not continue with it for 2028 [^4^]. The decision was based on various factors, such as the popularity and appeal of the sport, as well as its reflection of modern traditions [^6^].

Raygun, who is an academic specializing in the intersection of gender and politics in breakdancing, revealed that she wanted to showcase a different style of movement and express her artistic and creative side on the international stage. She recognized that she would not be able to perform the same moves as the younger competitors and wanted to stand out in her own unique way [^7^].

In the end, Raygun’s performance, though unconventional, should not be seen as the sole reason for breakdancing’s exclusion from the 2028 Olympics. Like any other athlete who doesn’t perform well in their competition, she faced elimination. It’s important to remember that the decision to include or exclude sports from the Olympics is based on various criteria, and popularity is just one factor [^9^].

So let’s give credit where it’s due and appreciate Raygun’s courage and individuality in showcasing her interpretation of breakdancing during the 2024 Olympics.