Have you ever had the experience of getting stuck behind a customer with an overflowing cart in the express lane of a store? Well, let me tell you a story that happened at a Walmart in Colorado Springs. This incident involved a cashier who stood up against a shopper who thought the rules didn’t apply to her. And let me tell you, it was the best moment I had ever witnessed at a Walmart.

So, there I was, with just a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, and a few other items, waiting in the express line. Suddenly, this woman with a cart full of items almost runs me over to get in front of me. She begins unloading her cart onto the checkout stand, and that’s when the cashier, in a calm and patient tone, says, “Which ten items would you like, ma’am?”

The woman, clearly taken aback, responds, “What?”

The cashier, holding up both hands to show all ten fingers, points to the sign above the lane that reads “Ten Items or Less” in both English and Spanish. She kindly reminds the woman about the express lane rules.

But the woman, getting all red in the face, insists, “I want all of this!”

The cashier, maintaining her composure, says, “Ma’am, I’m sorry. As I said, this is a ten items or less line. Please choose the ten items you’d like to purchase today.”

At this point, the woman lets out a noise that sounds like a screaming goat and shoves her still overflowing cart as hard as she could. It narrowly misses hitting a little old man sitting on a bench nearby. And then, to top it off, she gives all of us who were laughing at her the finger, yells expletives, and storms out of the store.

As for me, I purchased my items and couldn’t resist tipping the cashier $20 for providing the best improv comedy moment I had seen in years. It was truly priceless.

Satisfied Customer