Buying your first home is an exciting milestone that many people look forward to. But for one woman, McCayleigh Daniels, it quickly turned into a messy nightmare. She recently took to TikTok to share her unusual experience and seek advice.

Daniels, who had been living in the apartment with her partner Cristian for two years, decided to purchase the property from their landlord in June of this year. Little did she know, the previous owners had already leased it to someone else.

In a strange turn of events, Daniels received an email that left her completely stunned. The email revealed that the property had been leased to another party before she purchased it. The tenant explains that they had viewed the house in February 2024 and signed a lease on 2/15 with the previous owners.

Naturally, Daniels was shocked as she and her partner were unaware of any previous lease agreement. She responded to the email, explaining the situation and pointing out that there was no documentation of the lease when they closed the sale.

However, the person claiming to have leased the property continued to ask questions and even threatened legal action. Feeling scared, Daniels decided to leave the situation alone and expected the person to resolve the matter with the previous owners.

In a suspenseful twist, Daniels provided an update on TikTok the day after the supposed move-in date. She shared that they stopped communicating with the person and brought the issue to their title company, which consulted their attorney. It turns out that the lease should have been disclosed by the previous owner, and any further action would be between the other parties involved. Fortunately, nothing happened on the day the tenants were supposed to move in.

The TikTok video garnered various comments from concerned viewers, warning Daniels and others to never respond to such emails without legal guidance, as it could potentially be a scam.

Overall, Daniels’ unexpected situation serves as a reminder that even in the excitement of buying a home, it’s crucial to be aware of all possible complexities and seek professional advice when needed.