Imagine waiting in a grocery line that feels like it will never end. That’s exactly where my wife Karol, who is pregnant, found herself one day. Just when she thought everything was going smoothly, out of the blue, a rude guy aggressively bumped into her, nearly knocking her off balance along with our cart. Needless to say, I was fuming with anger, ready to confront this guy. But before I could react, Karol had a different plan in mind.

You see, Karol has always had a unique perspective on life. She believes in a saying that her own mother used to repeat: “What happens, happens.” At first, I didn’t fully grasp the meaning behind those words. I was more inclined to take matters into my own hands rather than leaving things up to fate or karma.

Yet, Karol has shown me time and time again that the universe has its own way of restoring balance. That day in the grocery line, she taught me another valuable lesson.

After the guy muttered a half-hearted apology, Karol remained calm, her eyes sparkling mischievously. She reached into her purse and pulled out a single, ripe tomato. Without any hesitation, she expertly hurled it towards the guy, the tomato soaring through the air like a crimson missile. It landed perfectly on his chest, creating a satisfying splat and leaving behind a streak of red juice.

The grocery line fell into a stunned silence as everyone turned their gaze towards the spectacle unfolding before them. The guy stood there in disbelief, tomato pulp dripping down his shirt like a badge of shame. Meanwhile, Karol remained composed, her sense of satisfaction evident as she went back to calmly loading our groceries onto the conveyor belt.

As we left the store, leaving the incident behind us, I couldn’t help but admire Karol’s approach. For her, justice wasn’t about seeking revenge or engaging in aggression. Instead, she found her own way of restoring balance to the universe, even in the face of rudeness.

Walking hand in hand, it became clear to me that sometimes, the most powerful form of justice isn’t found in anger or retaliation. It’s found in the simple act of letting go and having faith that the universe will eventually set things right.