I Feel Like I’m Drowning in Toddler Chaos: The Unfiltered Truth

“I feel like I’m drowning in toddlerhood.”

How Often Are You REALLY at the Doctor’s Office?

You might imagine a peaceful year with no medical visits, but those hopes often crumble as swiftly as a toddler’s leftover cookie. Did you seriously think you could escape the mayhem of toddlerhood without frequent doctor visits? Think again!

Meet Tiffany Remington: The Toddler Mom Just Like You

Take Tiffany Remington of @ustheremingtons, for instance. She shared her comically chaotic experience of rushing her toddler to the doctor due to a mysterious ankle injury. Her story is the real-life episode many parents can see themselves in.

“Parents, are you going to the doctor as much as we’re going to the doctor?” she queried. “My daughter did something with her foot last night, it was swollen this morning. She can’t walk on it. I feel like I’m drowning in toddlerhood.”


Do you find yourself frequenting the doctors office as often as we are in the first three years of your kids life? Because at this point we call everyone uncle and aunties there we go in so much! honestly, have no idea what happened to our daughters ankle. But she woke up with it swollen, and couldn’t put weight on it! Hope it’s just a sprain and not fractured for whatever reason or lyme disease from what my notorious webmd led me too 😩 #pediatric #pediatrician #pediatrics #toddlerhood #toddlermom #toddlertok #toddlerlife #toddlersbelike #fyp #momsover30 #firsttimemom #2kids

♬ original sound – Tiffany + Caleb

The Chaos and Confusion in Every Toddler Mom’s Life

Dragging her daughter with the injured foot through the medical center, Tiffany lamented, “Why do I always forget to bring the stroller?” As most parents would understand, the dreadful injury origin was a blur.

“Last night she wanted a Band-Aid on her ankle, which she always asks for, so we didn’t think much of it,” she said. “Throughout the night she kept complaining that her foot hurt. She wasn’t jumping or doing anything wild. This was during the calmest night, and then it happened.”

Bracing For Impact: The Results Are In

Her best guess? It could have been a beach day encounter with uneven sand. The appointment concluded with more appointments, bless the pediatric care system!

“The doctor recommended an X-ray because the swelling could indicate a fracture, which is baffling because we have no clue how it happened,” she shared.

The Relatable Side of Toddlerhood

Tiffany isn’t alone in this chaotic venture. The comment section on her TikTok was buzzing with parents echoing similar experiences. Caseylynn commented, “The amount of visits during toddlerhood had me questioning my own parenting! Like what the hell am I doing wrong!?”

Karliiiiii added, “My 19 month old loves using his head as a bulldozer so frequent concussion checks is my life at the moment 🥴🫣.”

Even medical professionals weighed in, offering their reassurances. Teagan_86, a medical receptionist, said, “Regularly see kids, sometimes three times a week. Someone every week for six months. You are doing amazing!”

You’re Not Alone in This Club

If you’re alarmed by the number of times you visit your pediatrician, rest assured, you are far from alone. There’s a vast, unspoken club of frequent flyers, and its membership is likely more massive than you’d ever imagine.