“I was expected to write all the invitations.”

So, can you imagine strolling into a classroom, ready to mold young minds, only to be thrown into the wild world of birthday invite drama? Well, that’s exactly what happened to this teacher! She decided to share her rather hilarious yet frustrating experience on TikTok, giving all of us a peek into a parent’s most bizarre request.

Meet TikTok user @ktlarson27, who kindly posted a video explaining the madness. Picture this: one of her student’s moms basically expected her to handle the entire birthday invitation situation, from writing to stuffing. Yes, you read that right!

It all started quite innocently. The well-meaning mom asked for a class list so she could invite all of little Timmy’s friends. She even kindly decided to deliver the invitations to the school, albeit unstuffed—how considerate! Oh, and not to forget, our dear teacher was invited too. So far, pretty standard stuff, right?

But oh, how quickly things spiraled! Upon receiving the invitations, our teacher found out they were unstuffed, but she was still game. After all, what’s a little envelope stuffing between teaching fractions?

“I was gonna stuff the invitations and the envelopes, stuff them, because they weren’t stuffed, and then put them in the mailboxes,” she said. Heroic, isn’t she?

Ready for the plot twist? None of the invitations were addressed. Yep, you heard it. Except for one address – her own! What was she, the secretary?

“I opened them up. Only the first invitation was written on none of the rest. And that parent messaged me during the day with the information, and I thought that was for me for… because I was invited. No, I was expected to write all the invitations,” she painstakingly recounted.

And then like any self-respecting superhero armed with a teaching degree, she firmly but politely said, “No way, José!” and sent the invites back home with the class list.

Oh, the audacity of some people! Imagine thinking that teachers, the very heroes juggling a classroom full of kids, have time to play party planner too.

The drama didn’t end there. TikTok users jumped on the comment bandwagon, sharing their disbelief and hilarity.

“I was out at ‘the envelopes weren’t stuffed’ What the heck made a parent think that was okay?” one user quipped.

Another chimed in with, “Plot twist – you’re also hosting the party 😆 That’s why you’ve been invited.”

And another teacher added, “This happens all the time with valentines. They just send in a sealed box of valentine cards and expect teachers to write names on them and stuff them in envelopes.”

#TeacherLife at its finest, indeed! This event is a stark reminder to parents everywhere – teachers are here to educate, not act as your personal event coordinators. Take note, folks.

So there you have it, a day in the life of a teacher who just wanted to teach ABCs and ended up navigating birthday invitation escapades. Teachers, you have our utmost respect and admiration! Keep doing what you do best, and always remember, not all heroes wear capes—some wield red pens and indomitable patience.