When I Was a Kid in the ’70s: Nostalgia On Repeat

When I was a kid in the ’70s, my summers were all about bailing hay with my dad. Picture this: as the sun scorched the fields, I’d park the tractor under a tree for some shade, feast on my packed lunch, and listen to Paul Harvey on my trusty transistor radio. Ah, Paul Harvey. Just hearing his voice now can transport me right back to those idyllic summers when family gatherings were frequent, and life seemed so much simpler.

From 1952 to 2008, Paul Harvey’s comforting voice reached up to 24 million people weekly. His iconic show, “Paul Harvey News,” was a staple across 1,200 radio stations, 400 American Forces Network stations, and 300 newspapers. But of course, the pièce de résistance was “The Rest of the Story,” his famous radio segment that left listeners pondering long after the broadcast ended.

Why Paul Harvey Was America’s Gentle Giant

Paul Harvey was an absolute gem. Generations tuned in, not just for the stories or sage advice, but because his voice was like an auditory hug, comforting and familiar. It gave listeners a break from reality and a chance to self-reflect in a way that seems increasingly rare today.

This man could teach you a thing or two about life, if you would only listen. Oh, how I miss those introspective moments, pondering life’s mysteries while Paul Harvey worked his magic through the airwaves. Fast forward to today, and one wonders: are we losing the art of pausing to think deeply?

The Essay Heard ‘Round the World: Paul Harvey’s Controversial Piece

Before his television days, Paul Harvey penned an essay that he revised over the years. Whether you take it symbolically or literally, there’s no denying it hits home. You’re about to hear the 1996 version of this thought-provoking essay. Get ready; some of his “predictions” will give you chills with their eerie accuracy.


Trust in Trying Times: Paul Harvey’s Letter from God

Paul Harvey was the epitome of trustworthiness. He captivated millions with broadcasts like his “Letter From God.” If you’ve got a few moments, this audio clip is bound to resonate on a deeper level.



God Made A Farmer: A Homage in Words and Images

On the eighth day, God looked down on his paradise and realized, “I need a caretaker.” So, God made a farmer. This line intrigued many, including Ram Trucks, who transformed Paul Harvey’s words into a powerful visual narrative. If you need a dose of nostalgia wrapped up in awe-inspiring visuals, this one’s for you.


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